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CV Rhythm

Basketball Clinic

"NEVER get bored with basics"
- Kobe Bryant.

About the Cedar Valley Basketball Clinic:
CVBC provides skills development and overall player development. The clinic is focused on TEACHING the game of basketball for players of all levels. CVBC, we emphasize the importance of basics and fundamentals of skill development.

There are two sessions available beginner and advanced level!

Cost: $30 per month (this covers four Sundays). Sibling discount available, please contact me.

Clinic Info


Location: Bethany Bible Chapel or Waterloo Christian school (contact Coach Jo for info)

High School level: 10:00am-11:30am


Location: Nazareth Lutheran Church

2-4th Grade: 1:00pm-2:00pm

5-8th Grade: 2:00pm-3:00pm